utorak, 10. kolovoza 2010.

Running after my own Shadow...


One day I just found myself caught in a little cage...
The cage of papers full with writings of old civilizations and all that big architectural monuments...
It kept me for a while... till I got lost...
I couldn't even find my own Shadow when I turned around...
Is that really me?? Is that who I am???
A Hopeless creature that can't even find his own shadow anymore??

I was lost in a big old city built by the human ancestors long time ago...
I was scared and began to wander around... hoping I  would find my own Shadow again...
There were big walls made of mud and old grass everywhere I looked...
But not a single tree around... not even a soul or a sound...
Everything was smelling like cold stone and wet old grass... if you can even call that a smell... 
The sun was invaded by big gray clouds that came suddenly like big sharks and eat it in a minute...
I was scared and cold...
Left alone...
With only a memory of what I once was...

Suddenly while I was resting... sitting with my back on an old yellow stone of the past...
Little Bubble came to me out of nowhere...
It had all the pretty colors... like that of the rainbow after an autumn rain...
While it was flying around my head I started to remember things...
The pictures that I saw looking  through that little Bubble were so familiar to me...

I saw a little girl sitting on a pile of golden and brown leafs in an autumn garden of dreams...
She was smiling while the wind was playing with her hair...
Oh... She adored the wind and the sun that was shining on her face...
Like two red roses that shine in the summer...
She was twirling around with the leafs stuck in her hair...
Until She got dizzy...
And just when she was ready to hit the ground... some creature came and caught her...


It started to rain... and my skin couldn't take the could any more so I began to shake...
But I didn't care about the rain and the could...
I just kept thinking ... Who was that creature that the little girl saw?? Why did it save the girl?? Was that girl me...? or was I just dreaming...

The could rain kept falling...
My eyes could no longer endure the pressure...
I had to close them...
But If I close them what will happen to me?

I found myself fighting with the dream that wanted to take me in a land of Faraway...

I hear footsteps in the rain...
Every second They keep getting closer and...
I´m too exhausted to open my eyes...
The footsteps stopped ...
I could only hear the rain drops falling and my own hard breath...
I felt a shadow over me...

Suddenly a strong and Howling voice broke the silence and stopped the rain from falling... 
That´s the last thing I remember...

Morning sunshine rays opened my eyes...
I could feel the warmth in my body again...

The smell of the cold stones and the wet grass was gone...
I could feel the smell of the wild roses on my skin and the dry leafs of the quince fulfilling the air...

When I turned around... I noticed that I was standing in an Autumn Garden...
The same Autumn Garden from my Dream...

It was really me... I was the little girl that was playing with the sun and the wind...
I finally found myself!
And there it was... A Big smile on my face! :) I started to twirl around of happiness...
But than I got Dizzy! And I began to fall...
Just the second as I was ready to hit the ground a Shadow appeared and stopped me from falling on the ground..
It was like that creature from my Bubble Dream...
Finally I turned around to thank the creature for saving me...

And There we were...
I was looking at him... And He was looking at me...
He had a look so familiar that I could almost swear that I was looking at myself...
It was He that saved me from that pouring rain...
It was He that saved me from falling...
It is He that saves me every day in my life...
He´s my Shadow...
My Friend...
My Love...
My Life...
My Wolf...

Thank you for being a part of my Life...

Always and forever yours

Ivy Wolf... 

Broj komentara: 5:

  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwww. you're really back. <3
    lost shadow.. poznato mi je to. i više nego što misliš. živiš život sa vlastitom sjenom sve dok je ne postaneš svjestan. i tada ona nestane. a ti neko vrijeme stojiš sama, zbunjena i onda kreneš u potragu. živiš u tuđim sjenama, tražiš samu sebe na mjestima koja uopče ne razumiješ, i to sve dok jednog dana ne uletiš sasvim slučajno u svijet koji si još kao djete, jednom davno sama stvorila. u tom svijetu je sve što ti treba. vjecna jesen, vukovi, latice ruže, povremena kiša i naravno, tvoja zrcalna slika iliti on. :) a sjena te ionako nikada nije prestala pratiti.. samo je ti nisi mogla vidjeti. sigurna sam, da i upravo sad, vreba iza oblišnjeg drveta ;)

    your little rain drop.

  2. weee. sad kad sam napokon skužila kak se komentira i to pod NADIMKOM KOJI SAMA ODABEREM!!! moram ostavit još jedan ovako mutavo divan komentar. XD do čitanja. :))

  3. first, pjesma je predivna, iznenadilo me koliko je zapravo dobra pozadina uz ovaj text... second, ne volim kad se ovo dogodi, ali ovaj text me zbilja dotaknuo, do suza... moram ti zahvaliti na ovako predivnim riječima, na svoj iskrenosti i na tome što si to uopće odlučila podijeliti s nama... hvala ti što si nam pokazala svoj svijet... svi mirisi, boje, sve slike...uspjela si naslikati sliku riječima... you really touched my heart with your words, not an easy thing to do... and remember, your shadow is always there, near you, but sometimes, you just don't want to see it...
